Basic Human Physiology


Basic Human Physiology

Aims : At the end of the course the student will be able to -
  • Acquire sound knowledge on functions of human body.
  • Will gather basic knowledge on functions of the different systems of human body.
Short Description : Understand Introduction to Physiology; The cell; Biochemistry; Blood; Cardiovascular system; Respiratory system; Urinary system.
Detail Description : 
Theory :
Understand the introduction to physiology :
        1. Definition of Physiology.
        2. Name basic structure & organization of human body.
        3.Discuss general function of different systems of human body (Musculoskeletal,                          respiratory, circulatory, Digestive, Urinay, Nervous, Endocrine, Immune and                            Reproductive).
Understand The Cell :
         1. Definition of Cell & cell division.
         2. State cell components & cell division.
         3. Types of cell & cell division.
         4. Functions of cell & cell division.
         5. Description of mitosis & meiosis.
Understand basic Biochemistry :
         1. Definition of Biochemistry.
         2. Definition of Filtration & dialysis with importance.
         3. Acid, definition with example.
         4. PH. definition, Ph scale.
Blood :
          1. Introduction, Definition of blood, properties, Composition, Function.
          2. Haemopoisis, Definition.
          3. RBC, Definition, Properties, Function.
          4. Plasma protein, Definition, name of plasma protein, Function of each.
          5. Erythropoisis, Definition, Site, Factors influencing, Basic stages.
          6. Haemoglobin, Definition, Formation, Function, Related disorders.
          7. Anaemia , Definition, Types, Causes.
          8. ESR, Definition, Methods description of each, Importance.
          9. WBC, Definition, Properties, Types, Characteristics & functions of each.
       10. Platelet, Definition, Properties, Coagulation factors.
        11. Blood coagulation, Definition, Coagulation factors.
        12. Blood group, Definition types, Antigen/Antibody of ABO & Rh blood group,                                 Importance of blood grouping.    
        13. Blood transfusion, Definition, Importance, Transfusion, Reaction, Criteria of donor,                   Understanding safe blood transfusion.   
Cardiovascular system :
          1. Functions of circulatory system. 
          2. Components of the system.
          3. Properties of Cardiac muscles.
          4. Conduction system of heart, Definition, parts, pacemaker.
          5. Cardiac cycle, definition phases.
          6. Heart sound, definition, formation.
          7. Pules, definition, types, site of feeling, factors affecting.
          8. Cardiac output, definition, factors affecting.
          9. Stock volume, definition, venous return, peripheral resistance.
         10. Heart rate, definition, factors affecting, redycardia, tachycardia, cardiac failure.
          11. Blood pressure, definition, types, significance of each factors, Hypertension.