Human Physiology - lesson - 1 Part-1, (1.1 Introduction)

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1  Physiology is the science of the living system of an organism.

          Human Physiology :

1.1.2 Composition of human body: human body is composed of :

               (a) Water (60%)

               (b) Protein (17%)

               (c) Fat (15%)

              (d) Carbohydrate (1%)

              (e) Minerals (7%)

1.1.3  Body Fluid Compartments : About 60% (40-42 liters) of human body is fluid.
           The body fluid compartments are:-
                                              (a) Extra-Cellular Fluid (ECF)

                                              (b) Intra-Cellular Fluid (ICF)

         (a) Extra-Cellular Fluid-
               The fluid that occupies the outside of the cell, is extra cellular fluid. About 20%
                 (14-15 liters) fluid is extra-cellular.

         (b) Intra-Cellular Fluid-
               The fluid that occupies the inside of the cell, is intra cellular fluid. About 40%
                  (25-27 liters) fluid is intra-cellular.