Human Physiology lesson - 1 Part-2 (1.3 Tissue)

lesson - 1 Part-2
1.3 Tissue
1.3.1 Tissue -
         A collection of structurally and functionally similar cells, is called tissue.

1.3.2 Classification of Tissue -
         There are 4 basic types of tissue in our body :

               (1) Epithelial Tissue,      (2) Connective Tissue,

               (3) Muscular Tissue,        (4) Nervous Tissue

1.3.3 The main functions of the four basic types of tissues -

              (a) Epithelial - (i) Lining of surface or body cavities, (ii) Glandular secretion;

              (b) Connective - Support and protection;

              (c) Muscle - Movement;

              (d) Nervous - Transmission of nervous impulses.

Human Physiology lesson - 1 Part-1(1.2 Different systems of human body)02

lesson - 1 Part-1
1.2 Different systems of human body -02

1.2.6 Integumentary system-
        The Integumentary system is the largest of all consists of :

                     (a) Skin 

                     (b) Hair

                     (c) Nail

                     (d) Sweat gland.

Functions of Integumentary system-

                    (a) Protects the underlying tissues from toxins,and injury pathogens. 

                    (b) Prevents excess water loss from body.

                    (c) Maintains the body temperature.

                    (d) Receives sensory input.

1.2.7 Nervous  system -

           It is very important and complex system by which all parts of body are controlled.The system             is made up of-

                  (a) Brain

                  (b) Spinal cord

                 (c) Peripheral nerves

Functions of Nervous system -

                (a) Stabilization of the behavioural patterns such as feeling, reproduction, defense etc.

                (b) Control tone, posture and equilibrium.

                 (c) Regulation of secretion of glands.

                 (d) Control the activity of the body.

               (e) Maintain the intrinsic condition of the body, such of blood pressure, pH, blood glucose                       level, hormone level etc. 

1.2.8 Urinary system -
      The excretory system is composed of-

                  (a) Kidney,

                  (b) Ureter,

                 (c) Urinary bladder,

                (d) Urethra.

Functions of Urinary system-

          (a) Formation of urine.

          (b) Excretion of metabolic waste products.

          (c) Maintenance of water and electrolyte balance.

          (d) Maintenance of acid base balance.

          (e) Secretion of hormones e.g. rennin, erythropoietin etc.

1.2.9 Reproductive system -
      The function of the reproductive system make possible the creation of new life.

Functions of Reproductive system -

           (a) Maintains the own species in the world.

           (b) Increases the number for existence. 

           (c) Stimulates the development of sex organs, breast etc.
           (d) Stimulates the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

           (e) Produces hormones, semen, aocytes etc.

1.2.10 Endocrine System -
The endocrine System is the System of human body that is responsible in producing hormones.

Functions of Endocrine System -
             (a) Homeostasis via metabolism, antis tress action and water electrolyte regulation.

              (b) Regulation of growth and development.
              (c) Regulation of reproduction.

              (d) Stabilize the body during emergency.

Human Physiology lesson - 1 Part-1(1.2 Different systems of human body)

lesson - 1 Part-1
1.2 Different systems of human body
1.2. The different systems of human body are-

 (a) Muscular system.        (b) Skeletal system.

    (c) Circulatorey system.    (d) Digestive system.

                     (e) Respiratory system.     (f) Integumentary system (skin)

  (g) Nervous system.           (h) Urinary system.

    (i) Reproductive system.    (j) Endocrin system.

1.2.1 Muscular system-
         Three types of muscles are included in muscular system:-

                              (a) Skeletal muscles

                              (b) Cardiac muscles

                              (c) Smooth muscles.
      Functions of muscular system:-

                             (a) Moves the body and internal organs of body.

                             (b) Maintains the posture of body.

                             (c) Produces heat and energy.

                             (d) Helps in respiration.

                             (e) Helps to unite the body with bone.

1.2.2 Skeletal  system-
         The Skeletal system consists of 206 bones.
         Functions of Skeletal  system:-
                            (a) Forms the farmework of body.
                            (b) Protects the vital organs of body.
                            (c) Resists the mechanical stresses of body.

                            (d) Produces blood cells.

                            (e) 97% body calcium is stored in bone.

                            (f) Helps in body movement.

1.2.3  Circulatorey system-
          The circulatorey system is a closed system that mainly carry blood.
          Functions of Circulatorey system:-

                          (a) Carry O2, nutrients, vitamins, hormones tissue.

                          (b) Carry CO2 from tissue to lung.

                          (c) Carry metabolic waste products to excretory organ.
                         (d) Maintain water and electrolyte balanc.
                         (e) Regulate body temperature.
                         (f) Protect the body from pathogens.

1.2.4  Digestive system-

          The Digestive system consist of :

                           (a) Digestive tract.

                           (b) Associated glands.

          Functions of digestive system-

                           (a) Help in ingestion of food.

                           (b) Break down the complex food particles into simple form.

                           (c) Absorb the end products of digestion.

                          (d) Absorb water, vitamins, minerals drugs etc.

                          (e) Secretes different type of enzymes.

                          (f) Remove waste products after absorption of food.

1.2.5 Respiratory system-
            The respiratory system consist of lungs and the passages that lead to and from lungs.

         Functions of Respiratory system-

                        (a) Exchange of respiratory gases(O2 & CO2)

                        (b) Maintain acid base balance of body.

                        (c) Excrete some volatile substances such as acetone,alcohol,amonia.

                        (d) Maintain the body temperature.

                        (e) Maintain the water balance of body.

Human Physiology - lesson - 1 Part-1, (1.1 Introduction)

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1  Physiology is the science of the living system of an organism.

          Human Physiology :

1.1.2 Composition of human body: human body is composed of :

               (a) Water (60%)

               (b) Protein (17%)

               (c) Fat (15%)

              (d) Carbohydrate (1%)

              (e) Minerals (7%)

1.1.3  Body Fluid Compartments : About 60% (40-42 liters) of human body is fluid.
           The body fluid compartments are:-
                                              (a) Extra-Cellular Fluid (ECF)

                                              (b) Intra-Cellular Fluid (ICF)

         (a) Extra-Cellular Fluid-
               The fluid that occupies the outside of the cell, is extra cellular fluid. About 20%
                 (14-15 liters) fluid is extra-cellular.

         (b) Intra-Cellular Fluid-
               The fluid that occupies the inside of the cell, is intra cellular fluid. About 40%
                  (25-27 liters) fluid is intra-cellular.